Lechem Mishneh
Part I The Torah (Shemot 16:22 with Rashi) records that in the midbar, two portions of manna fell on Fridays. The Gemara (Shabbat 117b) writes
Part I The Torah (Shemot 16:22 with Rashi) records that in the midbar, two portions of manna fell on Fridays. The Gemara (Shabbat 117b) writes
The Mishkan served as an intimate meeting place between Hashem and His people. After the fiery revelations of Har Sinai, Hashem chose to dwell in
My daughter and son-in-law moved into a new community in Howell, New Jersey, a couple of years ago. There was no eruv, which made it
In the summer of 1954, great excitement and anticipation filled the streets of Yerushalayim. Agudas Yisrael was about to hold the first major Knessia Gedolah,
Shabbat Parah, Parshat Vayakhel The haftarah we read on Shabbat Parah is taken from the 36th perek of sefer Yechezkel and, understandably, focuses upon the
The Women Who Defied Pharoah The first chapter of sefer Shemot describes the enslavement and suffering of the Jewish people. Though Pharaoh tried to suppress
At a recent visit to my doctor, he cited a quote from Alexander Pope—the famous British satirist—that “Mighty contests rise from trivial things.” His admonition
The reason for the annual pre-Pesach reading of Parshas Parah, the Torah instruction regarding the Parah Adumah (Red Heifer), is almost as enigmatic as its
לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: I am interested in purchasing firearms for personal protection, particularly within the context of today’s
The prophet Yeshaya (7:20) describes the downfall of Assyria, “On the same day shall Hashem shave with a hired razor that is hired (namely with
There seems to be a troubling contradiction between two of the Ramban’s central themes regarding the book of Shemot. Firstly, the Ramban (Introduction to Shemot)
According to the midrash, the way Hashem frames, choosing Betzalel is by taking a book of names. The book—we’re told—in homiletic hyperbole, listed every person