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October 18, 2024
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The Task Force and the Oracle Of Delphi (Delaware)

Here we go again. The Delaware native (POTUS) and the Second Gentleman have prompted a movement to settle a problem that has been around for thousands of years. What to do with the Jews? What to do with Israel? When they had no country, they were a problem, and now that they have a country they still are a problem.

China and Russia, two of the bigger countries in the U.N., do not have such problems. None of the two dozen Arab homogeneous countries and Iran are as bothersome as those folks in Israel. It is easier to get a convicted basketball star out of Russia than to convince the U.S. State Department of the inaccurate moral equivalency of terrorism and defense. Just as there is a multiplicity of attacks on the Jewish state, there are attacks on Jews living in America. It does not matter if the Jews live in America or in Eretz Yisrael. Same old, same old. What the ADL, B’nai B’rith, a multitude of Jewish museums, Jewish-Christian Alliance, etc., cannot do, this administration thinks it can do.

Now they are talking about a task force to address the issue of antisemitism. I would hope the force would have people in this latest problem-solving group who have the quality and experience of a Dr. Martin Luther King, a Ralph Bunche, an Anwar Sadat or a Menachem Begin, rather than a group of people who do not know the details of the Balfour Declaration or the the U.N. Partition Plan of 1947/1948, rejected by the Arabs and accepted by the Jews. Will they know that the PLO, an organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel, was founded in 1964, and that was before the Jews controlled the West Bank? Will the Task Force of America understand that the apartheid in South Africa is not comparable to Israel’s policies of survival?

Try visiting Kever Rochel and see how Jews are hemmed in by walls for protection from outside terrorism from Arabs, and that is in Israel. Now that is apartheid. While Palestinian Arabs live in poverty, the extremely rich Arab nations expect the United States to fund Palestinians who are suffering from the indifference of oil-rich countries. Will the U.S. still provide a Nikki Haley type in the U.N. to defend Israel?

In 1942 when Hitler called for the “Final Solution to the Jewish Problem” at the Wannsee Conference, he claimed that nobody really wants the Jews. Here we are in 2022. While terrorism intensifies in Israel, antisemitism has skyrocketed in the United States, and I believe much of this is the result of the phenomenal success of Israel combined with the success of Jews in America. How do these people, representing less than 1% of the world do it? Attacks in colleges, on the streets of America, and even in the halls of Congress seem to indicate an insouciance to the plague of antisemitism. What are we if we are not a nation that truly cares about all of its citizens?

Jews everywhere are Jews. Do not let critics of Israel fool you into believing this is really not an Israel/Jewish issue. We stand out because of our own relationship to Hashem, wherever we live. Six million neshamas died for that principle. Ani Ma’amin.

“Good is no match for evil without the power to physically defend itself.”—Yoni Netanyahu

Joel M. Glazer
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