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October 18, 2024
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Camp Sdei Chemed Enjoys ‘Off the Beaten Path’ in Summer 2022

(Courtesy of Sde Chemed) To say that the S’dei Chemed “Off the Beaten Path” program was a tremendous success would be an understatement. From the moment the boys arrived in Israel until they returned to the U.S., they were full of excitement. The ruach began before they even boarded the plane!

The base in Har Nof, Yerushalayim, was the perfect location and the overnights to locations throughout Israel were each an amazing adventure. Whether it was the beautiful yurts in the Golan Heights overlooking the Kinneret or sleeping in the serene quiet town of Yerucham, to their hotel in the bustling city of Eilat and weekend in the old city of Tzfat, each location gave them a unique and special taste of Israel. Who could forget when the boys brought their sleeping bags to the Kinneret beach for the night? You could say the campers lived the land as much as they toured it.

The staff this summer were true role models in every way possible. They knew exactly what the boys needed and how to bring out the best in them. They gave a chabura every morning and added tons of positive energy to the trips. The mashpia, Rabbi Kunstler, gave the advanced shiur and, with his incredible musical talents, the kumzitzim rose to a whole new level.

In S’dei Chemed, every boy gets to shine. They value each boy as an integral part of the summer experience. The program has lots of hands-on learning, trips that are incredible and comradery among everyone. Emphasis is on having an amazing time wherever gothey, every single camper included. Eretz Yisrael shouldn’t just be another beautiful tourist attraction; it should be the place they come to love. A place they want to call home.

As many boys noted, the Kotel on their last visit at the end of the summer was not the same wall it was when camp began. It wasn’t just the familiarity that made the difference; it was the culmination of the incredible experiences, friendships and memories that they experienced over the summer.

The caliber and intensity of the itinerary is second to none. In addition to visiting kivrei tzadikim, touring and learning about every part of Israel, campers engage in intense activities such as extreme hiking, rappelling, ATVing, scuba diving, rafting, camping, wakeboarding, paintball, water sports and much more. Every day of the program is jam-packed with new experiences, designed to challenge and stimulate the campers and create memories that they will keep for the rest of their lives.

Let’s hear what some of the campers had to say about their summer experience.

“Looking back on this summer, I think I can confidently say it was the best decision of my life to go to Camp S’dei Chemed. Between the trips, my fellow campers and the amazing staff, I had the best summer of my life”

—Nachi Siff, MAY

“S’dei Chemed wasn’t just the best camp I’ve ever gone to, it’s the best experience of my life. The trips, the camp atmosphere, plus the best kids and staff make for the craziest time, and I miss it every day.”

—Shmuel Benjamini, DRS

“Sdei Chemed was easily the best summer of my life.”

—Shlomo Cywiak, DRS

“This summer was, no, is, the best summer I ever had. The people, the chevrah, just the camp itself, is an experience that no one can put into words, but to experience themselves. So this summer not only met my expectations, it surpassed them, in a way that I will never forget.”

—Avi Blachman, MTA

“Camp Sdei Chemed has changed my life and has given me the experience of a lifetime, but most of all, friends for life.”

—-Yehuda Reichmann, Yeshiva Darchei Torah of Toronto

“S’dei Chemed is a travel camp that never stops traveling! You have the best summer ever and make friends for life. It doesn’t get much better than that.”

—Yonah Russak, MBY Los Angeles

Registration for summer 2023 is now open at

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