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October 18, 2024
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TABC Shiurim Welcome Guest Speakers

Two different TABC shiurim were privileged to hear from esteemed guest speakers last week.

Rabbi Daniel Fridman’s junior-senior shiur was honored to welcome Rav Yona Reiss, shlita, av beth din of the Chicago Rabbinical Council and gan av beth din of the Beth Din of America. The shiur has been learning the sugya of peshara and its relationship to din. Rav Reiss discussed both conceptual and practical aspects of the sugya with the talmidim, drawing on his extensive experience in the field. Rav Reiss welcomed the active participation of the TABC talmidim in the shiur and graciously fielded their questions on both theoretical and pragmatic aspects of peshara.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday morning, December 6, Rabbi Gary Beitler’s Elyon shiur at TABC welcomed Rabbi Chaim Hagler, head of school at Yeshivat Noam. The boys enjoyed a gourmet breakfast and pastries as Rabbi Hagler gave an inspiring shiur on the nature of tefillah through a close look at tefilat Chana and Sarah. Rabbi Hagler also went through a Gemara which discussed Bnei Yisrael’s tefillah in the midbar. Rabbi Hagler stressed that the consistency of the daily act of tefillah keeps us close to Hashem at all times, and especially when we need Him most.

TABC Elyon is a specialized limudei kodesh program for motivated students who wish to spend additional time in the beit midrash. Students accepted into the program have additional Gemara built into their schedules and participate in visits to YU and local yeshivas to learn with roshei yeshiva and TABC alumni. Talmidim also enjoy group shabbatonim, day trips and a year-end siyum.

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