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September 19, 2024
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TABC Juniors Visit Lower East Side

Recently, the entire TABC eleventh grade stepped back in time to the world of their ancestors as they visited and toured New York’s Lower East Side. The immigrant experience in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is one of the topics which is covered during the first semester of 11th grade American History classes.

The first stop was the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, where separate tours recreated the immigrant experience on Orchard Street at the turn of the 20th century. Actually stepping into the restored tenements to see the conditions in which new immigrants worked and lived was quite an eye-opening experience for many of the students. Docents shared primary sources and artifacts with students as part of their tour and each group concluded with a discussion activity.

The trip concluded with a tour of the magnificent Eldridge Street Synagogue. The students were briefed on the rich history of this landmark synagogue, built entirely by the Jewish immigrant population, and the role it played within the Lower East Side community at the time. Their immigrant experience ended with the unique experience of davening mincha there.

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