On Wednesday December 9, the fourth day of Chanukah, the students at Yavneh Academy spent the whole day engaged in s’vivon activities. Students participated in a whirlwind of s’vivon engagement, spanning from s’vivon spinning challenges, to writing acrostic poems, to drawing patterns, to reading stories, to decorating cookies, to making edible treats. The activities also entered the math and science classrooms, where they built s’vivonim out of straws, experimented with s’vivonim of various weights and mass and used graphing and probability skills while playing with s’vivonim. The students programmed their KIBO robot to spin like a s’vivon, they shared stories about s’vivonim that are special to them and there was a s’vivon Shark Tank competition. Last but certainly not least, the students took pictures with Yavneh’s s’vivon mascot.