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September 18, 2024
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The Humble Toast Sportstar Of the Week: Emma Abish

By Jewish Link Sports Desk

The Jewish Link and The Humble Toast would like to recognize Emma Abish as this week’s Sportstar of the Week. The eighth grader at Westchester Day School (WDS) was one of the many stars that shined in this year’s YMSSA girls hockey all-star game. Emma also scored the biggest goal of the season for WDS when she gave her team a 3-2 victory in triple overtime of their quarterfinal playoff game against Yeshivat Noam on  May 17. When asked about Emma, WDS Head of School Rabbi Dani Rockoff told The Jewish Link, “Emma is an outstanding member of the WDS community who leads with humility, kindness and care for others. Emma’s competitive spirit and playmaking abilities are an inspiration to us all and we are very proud of her receiving this recognition!” Emma’s coach, Ari Loren, added. “Throughout the season, Emma worked hard to always put herself in the best position to help the team. Whether scoring goals, hustling back on defense or making plays to set up her teammates, Emma consistently helped the team be in a position to win games.”

Emma, congrats on the big goal and on being recognized as this week’s Sportstar of the Week! Who is your role model and why?

My role model is my dad. He is the one who introduced me to  hockey and pushes me to be the best I can be.

What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport is hockey because I love the fast action and being part of a team. I enjoy celebrating as a team when we achieve something great. When I first started playing hockey, I thought I would play for one season and move on to another sport. However, I ended up really enjoying the sport, and continued to play throughout middle school.

What is your greatest sports accomplishment?

My greatest sports accomplishment was when we were in the first round of the playoffs against Noam and the game went into triple overtime. The score was 1-1 and everybody was exhausted. I knew I had to do something to end the game, and I went out there, tried my best and scored the winning goal with only a couple of seconds left.

Who is your favorite athlete ?

I don’t have a specific favorite athlete, but I love to watch the New York Islanders play. I also love watching my teammates play and work together.

What is your pregame routine?

My pregame routine is I first do some passing drills with my team and shoot around. Sometimes my brother, Ethan warms me up, and other times it’s my goalie, Lucy Rosenfeld. After we are warmed up, the whole team comes together and stretches.

What is your earliest sport memory?

My earliest sports memory is the times I would watch my brother play ice hockey. Watching him play got me interested in the sport and ultimately led me to try it myself.

What is your funniest sports memory?

My funniest sports memory is when we were in the semifinals against Yavneh and we lost and the whole team decided to go on the floor before shaking hands and did the row boat celly.

What is your favorite sports memory?

One of my favorite sports memories is during the all-star game when there was less than one second left, and the score was tied. My teammate, Ariella Piontnica, made a great pass to me, and I scored the winning goal.

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not playing sports?

My favorite thing to do when I am not playing sports is hang out with my family and friends.

What is the best thing about being a Sportstar?

The best thing about being a sports star is realizing that my hard work paid off and knowing that  I have made my family, friends, teammates and my coach, Ari Loren, very proud.

The Humble Toast Star of the week will receive a $25 gift card to The Humble Toast. Please send nominees for an upcoming The Humble Toast Jewish Link Stars of the Week to [email protected].

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