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September 20, 2024
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Last week, Heichal HaTorah held its seventh graduation ceremony, celebrating four years of extraordinary accomplishments and growth of each talmid. The evening commenced with an introductory presentation from the president, Aryeh Sheinbein, followed by an inspirational message from parent representative and class parent Rav Duvie Weiss, rav of Congregation Ohr Chadash of Bergenfield. Class valedictorian Eliyahu Sanders and salutatorian Azriel Laster each addressed the audience, sharing reflections on their growth through the years, thanks to the motivation and guidance they received from their rebbeim and teachers. The Dr. Aron Chunah Grant Oheiv Es Habriyos award was presented to graduating senior Yehuda Weiss, in recognition of his exemplary midos and dedication to his Torah studies. The program continued with words of praise and admiration presented by various rabbeim and teachers to each graduating senior, acknowledging their outstanding accomplishments. Following the presentations, diplomas were awarded by Heichal’s Rosh Yeshiva Rav Aryeh Stechler and Academic Principal Rabbi Maccabbe Avishur. The evening culminated in a siyum led by Meir Aschkenasy, followed by spirited dancing among the parents, rebbeim and talmidim.


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