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October 18, 2024
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RYNJ Eighth Graders Gather for Melave Malkas

RYNJ schedules a number of special activities for eighth grade students over the course of the year to promote their achdut, strengthen their bonds with their classmates and teachers, prepare them for high school and make their eighth grade year at RYNJ unforgettable.

On Motzei Shabbos, February 20, the eighth grade boys had the wonderful opportunity to join together for a most memorable 8B melava malka. Rebbeim, administrators and talmidim gathered in school to enjoy pizza, soda and ice cream—which was only the beginning. For half an hour, they danced together with great energy, which ended in several slow, emotional songs. There were skits, divrei Torah, a captivating story presented by Rabbi Herbst and a stirring kumzitz led by Rabbi Rothwachs. To top off the evening, the boys enjoyed playing basketball and hockey.

Everything’s more fun when you are wearing pajamas! That’s what the middle school banot, morot and administrators decided this past Motzei Shabbos, February 27, at their slumber party-style melava malka. There were caped superheroes, animal onesies, comfy flannels and fuzzy slippers. First the talmidot played a spirited game of Human Hungry Hippos, scooting around the gym, seeing which class could earn the win by trapping the most balls in the baskets. Dinner was delicious with pizza, Caesar salad and ice cream, and was followed by benching and meaningful divrei Torah. Next, the room was transformed into a bingo hall with some very heated, highly competitive games. There was no doubt that the most amusing round was the “silent bingo” game when 30 percent of the students were banished to the talkers’ table because they couldn’t remain quiet.

It was a special night that will remain one of the great highlights of this year’s graduating class.

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