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October 24, 2024
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Tzurba M’Rabanan Makes Study of Halacha Accessible

In an era of seemingly unlimited access to Torah, in print and online, one sefer stands out, “The Lax Family Tzurba M’Rabanan” is a systematic and concise learning method that walks the learner through the entire halachic process, from the biblical and Talmudic sources through modern-day halachic application. The Tzurba English series has changed the way thousands of people study halacha.

Tzurba began as a halacha sefer marketed towards English speaking adults and, to date, boasts over 65 chaburot around the world. As the program grew, the Tzurba team quickly realized that the easy-to-follow and digestible format was accessible to readers of all ages, allowing a wide population to walk away with a comprehensive understanding of the concepts. Each chapter contains all the sources in their original Hebrew, along with a side-by-side English translation guided by their signature color-coded sections, based on time period. Tzurba has just published volume 15 of their projected 30 volume set, covering over 300 major topics in halacha. They aim to publish a new volume roughly every four months.

Building off this momentum, Tzurba started their custom curriculum program. Schools and organizations can hand pick any of the existing published chapters and create their very own curriculum. According to their team, many high schools that they have spoken to are looking to create a halacha curriculum, but don’t know where to start. With Tzurba, they can jump-start their curriculum and afford teachers the ability to focus on crafting meaningful lessons, without having to worry about creating the content and source material.

Last year, the 2022-23 school year, was the first year of the Tzurba curriculum program with seven schools, as members of their inaugural year. In order to promote the program, the Tzurba team has traveled extensively—within the United States—to sample and explain the program at current and prospective schools. To date, the team has visited and met with interested schools in New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, California, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania and Maryland. For the 2023-24 school year, Tzurba projects to double their numbers with 15 schools to be in the program and more looking to start in 2024-25.

Based on their trip, Tzurba reports very positive feedback from their schools with teachers and students praising the new curriculum. Rabbi Ben Sugerman, of Katz Yeshiva High School in Boca, said “I have been teaching in yeshiva day schools for over 10 years, and have used and tested many curriculums—including my own—during that time and by far, Tzurba is the best one I have ever used.”

All of these Tzurba initiatives would not be possible without project patrons, Marsha and Michael Lax. In recent years, the Lax family have become key supporters dedicating, “The Tzurba English Series,” in memory of their sons, Jonathan, z”l and Ethan, z”l. Lax started learning Tzurba with Rabbi Seth Grauer and immediately recognized that learning the halachic process in this way was something unique that needed more exposure. The support of Marsha and Michael Lax and their children, Amanda and Akiva Blumenthal and Rebecca and Rami Laifer have helped take Tzurba to the next level.

With so much going on for Tzurba, who runs their day-to-day operations? Two native Teaneckers spearhead the Tzurba programming. Neil Bodner, currently residing in Miami, and Eli Seidman, residing in Washington Heights, work on the operations team running the logistics of all publishing, chaburot, schools and more. Rabbi Doron Podlashuk acts as the director of the “Tzurba M’Rabanan English Series” working from Israel with the editing and design teams. Rabbi Podlashuk—working in conjunction with Rav Doron Perez and World Mizrachi—was able to bring this project from an idea to thousands of people learning Tzurba worldwide.

Rabbi Podlashuk is the founder and director of the Selwyn and Ros Smith and Family Manhigut Toranit program, a five-year post-semicha program whose goal is to develop serious rabbinic leaders who will impact communities and strengthen their commitment to Torah, mitzvot and Torat Eretz Yisrael. He decided to bring Tzurba to the English-speaking world and tapped Rabbi Eli Ozarowski to head the adaptation of the Hebrew Tzurba volumes into English, with his team. Tzurba began as a Hebrew sefer, written by Rav Benzion Algazi, and has a very popular program throughout Eretz Yisrael. The Tzurba English series is adapted and translated from the Hebrew version, but includes many additional sources and materials for the English-speaking population.

As mentioned, Tzurba has published 15 volumes of their projected 30 volume completed set. They have covered topics ranging from kashrut, tefillah, brachot and countless more. Currently, Tzurba is very excited to be finishing volume 16, which will begin the Tzurba Hilchot Shabbat series. The next seven volumes of Tzurba will be centered around Hilchot Shabbat, and will bring a revolutionary new level to the understanding of these intricate laws. Tzurba plans to add 20 more shuls to their chabura program learning Hilchot Shabbat, as well as add optional tests to go with each volume, and a siyum and certificate at the end of the two-year series.

All volumes of the Tzurba English Series are available for purchase on Amazon. To learn more about the Tzurba English Series and for inclusion in your school, shul or community go to or email [email protected]. Tzurba is a registered 501(c)(3) and has tax deductible sponsorship opportunities available.

Pearl Markovitz is senior staff writer at The Jewish Link

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