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October 16, 2024
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‘Parsha Wars’ Torah Learning Card Game Is All the Rage

Now raising funds for the final stage of production.

“Parsha Wars” comic illustration.

“Parsha Wars” is a unique and exciting new Torah-centered card game developed jointly over a number of years by Rami Knapp and his father, Rabbi Stephen Knapp.

It was the brainchild of Rami Knapp, beginning as an 8-year-old budding Torah scholar. Rami had a passion for trivia, fun facts and studying the Parsha. “As an 8-year-old, I loved the idea of making Torah learning fun,” he said. “I played similar games with my siblings on other random trivia topics, and it was natural to make a game like this with the parshiot of the Torah.” While at Camp Nesher they made a version of the game for the campers. “The kids loved it and we thought we could bring the idea to a larger audience. All kids study the parsha and deserve opportunities to make the learning fun.”

Rabbi Stephen Knapp, principal of YCQ Junior High School, said: “I can attest to the educational value of this game. The game capitalizes on the innate competitive nature of the human psyche to win the game. The object of the game is to collect all the cards, which is accomplished by knowing the number values of each parsha, and broken down to five different categories of trivia: parsha number, number of pesukim, number of mitzvot, number of times the parsha is read per year and the number of times Moshe’s name is mentioned in that parsha. The more you know, the better your chance of winning a round.”

Rabbi Stephen Knapp and Rami Knapp, creators of the “Parsha Wars” card game.

In addition to the number of facts about each parsha on the card, each parsha is identified by a Torah comic excerpt depicting a scene from the parsha, a fun fact “riddle” to whet the appetite and pique more curiosity about the Parshiot HaTorah. Each parsha card is color-coded to the specific sefer of Torah in which it appears to further aid memory association.

“Rami had mastered fun facts and trivia of all different genres in the areas of presidents, geography, animals and more through the ‘Top Trumps’ game card series. We thought it would be fun to use the same style of card design and apply it to the Parshiot HaShavua,” said Rabbi Knapp.

“Everyone studies the parsha, adults and kids alike—Sefardim, Ashkenazim, Chasidim, Orthodox and Reform. The parsha is a unifying force in the Jewish community. The ‘Parsha Wars’ game would be a great tool for schools, camps and congregational programs … and there is always a need to engage our children in Torah learning; especially true in a digital age where there are so many distractions from learning. The ‘Parsha Wars’ game makes learning fun.”

Rami agrees and noted: “The amazing thing about the parsha is that it speaks to everyone at all ages. Parsha discussions happen at the Shabbos table, where kids and adults spend hours together. Some may like the drawings; some may like the trivia; some may like the parsha fun facts and riddles. There is something for everyone in this game.”

Asked about plans for other possible games, Rami shared: “We are starting with the ‘Parsha Wars’ game because we have already experienced success with our small sampling. We have other ideas in consideration to launch at a later time. Right now we are focused on ‘Parsha Wars.’”

Andrew Galitzer, artist-graphic designer of “Parsha Wars.”

The parsha cards themselves are designed by professional artist-graphic designer Andrew Galitzer, creator of “Torah Comics.” He studies graphic design at Drexel University and has designed beautiful cards in a way that facilitates long-term memory and makes them enjoyable for kids and adults alike.

Divine providence brought Rami and his family together with Galitzer, who had a similar story. At the age of 12, Galitzer began drawing Torah comics, publishing “Torah Comics” and conducting Torah Cartooning Workshops by the age of 20. Combining Rami’s dream and Galitzer’s creative talent, they are collaborating to complete the “Parsha Wars” game in preparation for getting it to market.

Galitzer has been drawing ever since he could hold a pencil. In elementary school he created his own characters and drew his own children’s books. “Torah Comics” began as Galitzer’s doodles during Judaic classes. After eight years of redrawing his comics, he was ready by high school graduation to publish the book. After numerous rejections for being “too young” and “inexperienced,” he was close to giving up on his dream. Then he received an email from Gefen Publishers, who believed in his vision of learning Torah through comics. Now, he says, 1,800 families learn parsha every week from his comics, because “a 12-year-old was bored in class and had a dream.”

Realizing how much he learned by drawing comics, Galitzer launched workshops to teach students how they, too, could draw comics. He inspires students around the world to follow their passion, no matter how young. He is also developing a cartooning curriculum so teachers can employ his teaching methods in their classrooms. Additionally, after encountering antisemitism on campus, Galitzer is now crowdfunding to publish a new series of comics that combat antisemitism. The goal is to educate about the Jewish people, highlighting Jews from different backgrounds.

Game card (Credit: Andrew Galitzer)

Up until this stage, the “Parsha Wars” project has been self-funded, driven by “unwavering passion for making Torah engaging and meaningful for students,” said. Rabbi Knapp, noting that the sponsorship has become essential to propel the game into production at a professional standard. Production includes the costs associated with illustration, design, editing, printing, packaging, marketing, sales and distribution.

“With a sponsor, we can expand the reach of the card game, making it accessible to a wider audience of Jewish schools and institutions,” Rabbi Knapp said.

So, “Parsha Wars” is looking for sponsors who share the vision of making Torah education (and Shabbos afternoons) fun and enjoyable.

Here is the breakdown of sponsorship opportunities:

Sefer Sponsorship, five available: $1,000 per sefer (Breishit, Shemot, etc.) Donors at this level can include a message or acknowledgement to be printed on the inside of their sponsored sefer card. At press time this week, each of the five seforim were open for dedication. Also, one full game sponsorship is available at $5,000, showing their name or dedication on the obverse of each card. Other sponsorships are welcome, of course.

Rabb Knapp shared: “The feedback has been consistently positive. The ‘Parsha Wars’ game is competitive, fun and educational. What else could you want for your children on a long summer Shabbos afternoon? Together, we can make the ‘Parsha Wars’ game a reality, bringing great mastery and love of learning the Parshiot HaTorah to children, adults and families all over the Jewish world!”

And just for fun—and without looking it up—how many times is Moshe Rabbeinu’s name mentioned in sefer Breishit?

To sponsor the “Parsha Wars,” card game visit where you will find the donor form. Donations of any amount are welcome and appreciated.

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