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September 22, 2024
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Shabbos Unites MTA Class of 2027  

This past Shabbos the MTA Class of 2027 experienced a freshman retreat like no other. Themed “Shabbos Unites Us,” the entire program revolved around creating a greater sense of achdus within the grade and a greater sense of connection to Klal Yisrael in general. To that end, the MTA freshman, their senior Cubs2Lions mentors and rebbeim joined together to share a special Shabbos at Camp Nageela.

Collectively, over the course of Shabbos, well over 16,800 minutes of learning were clocked, covering 1000+ Mishnayos and completing Maseches Shabbos as a grade, as part of the “Our Siyum, Our Response” initiative in yeshiva. Many of the talmidim took advantage of the MTA360 learning incentive program, and completed six hours of learning over the course of the shabbaton—joining their rebbeim in the beis medrash for extra sedarim before Mincha each day.

The theme of “Shabbos Unites Us” extended well beyond the beis medrash and permeated the entire shabbaton. From the amazing zemiros, inspiring sivrei Torah and achdus-filled activities, the entire shabbaton allowed the talmidim to feel closer and more connected than ever before. A highlight for many was the tish Friday night, that had the talmidim locked arm in arm singing songs expressing love for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael together with their rebbeim.

The shabbaton included plenty of experiences that were both fun and meaningful for the talmidim. Together with their Cubs2Lions senior mentors, they were charged with building cardboard canoes that had to successfully traverse the pool, enjoyed time on the courts and on the fields Friday afternoon, and had a great time enjoying rounds of bowling at Cortland Lanes. Each activity was crafted to allow the talmidim to interact with each other and build up the strong bonds they have been developing since the start of yeshiva.

The Cubs2Lions mentors took center stage at seuda shelishit, as each senior shared a brief reflection on his own growth in yeshiva with the freshmen, interspersed with powerful zemiros. Shabbos concluded with a beautiful Havdala and a delicious melava malka. As the talmidim boarded the buses it was clear to everyone that the Class of 2027 emerged from Shabbos as a united grade, ready to make their mark at MTA.

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