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October 18, 2024
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‘Operation Israel’ Raises More Than $6M to Help Soldiers

October 7 will go down in history as a dark day not only for Israel, but for humanity in general. The human race is supposed to be advancing and maturing, but the horrible actions of Hamas terrorists were a major jump backwards, with the terror group committing barbarities that would have shamed a Genghis Khan or a Caligula.

Indeed, a darkness descended on the world that day, but from the darkness emerged a ray of light, as Jews—and many others—around the world rallied to help not only the victims of the attacks, but the brave Israeli soldiers who were sent into Hamas strongholds to ensure that such travesties never happen again. Among those who took up the challenge was Adi Vaxman, who, along with friends and family, responded the day after the Hamas massacre of over 1,400 people. Vaxman started Operation Israel on that day in order to provide assistance to the soldiers—and in the space of barely a month, her organization, which did not exist the day before the massacres, has raised over $6 million and counting.

Like so many others who have stepped up to help, Vaxman had a very busy “before” life, as founder and CEO of Sheba Consulting, which provides C-level fractional leadership assistance to companies that need part-time executive support, like COOs or HR department heads. But that’s on hold now; Israel needs her, and Vaxman is determined not to let her people down. “Amidst the unprecedented brutality faced by my beloved homeland, my heart compels me to take a temporary respite from pursuing new business,” she said, adding that she has recruited “my incredible team at Sheba Consulting” into the effort of “assisting the people of Israel.”

Operation Israel and its all-volunteer team of over 50 people concentrates on getting the things money can buy and Israeli soldiers need. Thus, the organization has a page at Amazon that includes a list of the items most in-demand for soldiers—things like Leatherman Multitools, flashlights, hydration packs, heating blankets, solar chargers and Quickclot gauzes, among other things. Other items include field medical equipment, protective gear and more. Soldiers—both regular service and reserve IDF units—can request specific items that they may be missing. Once equipment is sourced and purchased, it’s sent to Israel ASAP, where Israel-side volunteers deal with logistics and distribution. Donors can send money via a number of channels, from Zelle to GoFundMe to Paypal—and the group operates a WhatsApp chat where specific items and needs are listed as they arise.

Operation Israel also seeks to ensure that the equipment it sends is the equipment needed—and doesn’t end up getting wasted. This has actually become an important issue; other organizations that have been doing similar work, in numerous cases, sent equipment that was either returned to the donating organization or just dumped—because it wasn’t up to IDF standards, or had some other flaw. Operation Israel vets all its acquisitions and shipments with experts within the IDF before buying anything. According to the group, “Our IDF representatives receive and validate requests from the combat units directly. Orders are then placed through vetted suppliers only. We also source medical equipment thanks to our group of volunteer MDs, and many other items that are needed on the field.”

Vaxman lives in New Jersey, but Israel is in her heart—as she was born and raised there before moving to the U.S. 25 years ago. She also knows the IDF intimately and has served on the front lines of providing support to those most in need of humanitarian aid in the wake of terror—from serving as a paramedic in the first intifada to treating the injured boatlift evacuees on 9/11. But now, a new need has arisen, and Vaxman and her team are there to ensure that the IDF can do the job that needs to be done. According to Vaxman and Operation Israel, “The heart-wrenching events that have taken place since October 7 have left our combat units in dire need of basic gear, medical and personal equipment to continue their noble mission of safeguarding peace and justice. In solidarity, our team of international volunteers have orchestrated a monumental operation setting security and efficiency as top priorities.”

While Operation Israel is providing a critical service to those on the front lines, like all of us, Vaxman wishes that her efforts weren’t necessary. “As we collectively grieve and mourn our immense losses, the indomitable spirit of our community keeps us resilient. The bonds we share are unyielding, and I am confident we will emerge stronger from these adversities,” she said, adding that “I look forward to the day we can reconvene under safer and peaceful skies.”

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