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October 22, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Thanksgiving is a time of showing appreciation and being grateful for what we have. This connects so beautifully to the BPY theme of Ein Od Milvado. Not only must we appreciate what we have and show gratitude for those that help us, but we also recognize the role that Hashem plays in our daily lives. On Thanksgiving, the elementary school came together for a beautiful feast. Students sang songs, wiggled like turkeys and listened to a beautiful story that helped connect Thanksgiving to their own Jewish customs of showing appreciation and hakarat hatov.

The students then enjoyed their feast and gobbled up the delicious Thanksgiving cookies that they helped decorate. The feast ended with Birkat Hamazon, a way of saying “thank you” for what they just enjoyed. The elementary school students would like to show their appreciation and hakarat hatov to the middle school students for helping to serve the feast and for making their pre-Thanksgiving recess so much fun! On Thanksgiving, whether at school or at home, everyone comes together as a family and takes the time to think about how lucky they are to be part of such a special family at BPY.

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