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September 19, 2024
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RKYHS Hosts 1,000 at Rikudiah Dance Competition

The 13th annual Rikudiah, the inter-yeshiva high school girls’ dance competition, and tzedaka fundraiser took place this past Sunday December 17. The Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School was thrilled to host the competition once again which gives those students interested in dance the opportunity to become leaders in their area of interest by producing something of their own while also developing their talents in a meaningful setting. RKYHS, Hillel, Flatbush, Maayanot, Ramaz, HANC, Ilan, SAR, Frisch, HAFTR, Magen David and Central each sent a dance team to compete. Over 700 women and girls were in attendance to watch the performances.

All teams presented beautifully, with amazing talent, creative themes and complex choreography, with several of the teams focusing on Israel in their performances. Three professional Jewish dancers judged the competition to determine the winners. HAFTR came in first place, Ramaz in second and Magen David in third. As first place winner, HAFTR will be choosing the tzedaka that the proceeds of the event will go to. A total of $3,500 was raised!

The program began with a beautiful “Hatikva” all together followed by Tehillim for Israel. It is a beautiful scene to watch over 200 yeshiva high school girls from different schools dance and sing together to contemporary Jewish music. All women and girls are invited to be a part of the excitement next year at the 14th annual Rikudiah! For more information, contact CM Gerson, the Rikudiah coordinator, at [email protected].

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