(StatePoint) Colder months have us spending more time indoors. Unfortunately, insects have the same idea, as they head inside to forage for food and seek shelter from the low temperatures.
“Those who want a bug-free home will have to be proactive year-round. Ants, certain fly species, such as winter crane flies, and other insects, are adapted to cold temperatures and can be very active during these cooler months,” says Daniel Perry, Zevo entomologist at Procter & Gamble.
To prevent unwanted houseguests and banish bugs from your living spaces, check out these cold weather tips:
- Ventilate Humid Areas: As the weather gets colder, hot water is more in use in places like the bathroom or basement. These closed spaces can create humid environments where insects tend to gravitate. To attract fewer bugs, keep these areas well-ventilated.
- Prime Your Space for Plants: If you have plants that you bring inside in the winter, properly prime and debug your home beforehand to prevent potential infestations, and check all your houseplants for unwanted insects before you bring them inside and every week afterwards.
- Tidy Up: Cleanliness is the most common strategy for coping with bugxiety (fear of bugs) and there’s a good reason for it – it’s effective. Make sure you take out your garbage regularly, especially. Be sure not to leave food (perishables especially) out for excessive periods of time as that can attract insects.
- Get Round-the-Clock Protection: Get the peace of mind that comes with 24/7 protection against flying insects. Zevo Flying Insect Traps use blue and UV light to continuously attract and trap insects to an adhesive back that you never have to touch. Place the traps in the kitchen, garage and other areas where doors and windows are frequently opened, and keep them plugged in to protect your home day and night from pesky flying insects.
- Fight Back: Nip signs of a bug problem in the bud by dealing with it immediately. Spot a bug? Zevo Insect Killer Sprays kill bugs you see, targeting and shutting down biological pathways found only in bugs, not people or pets, making them effective and safe when used as directed.
“While bugxiety is very real for the majority of Americans, fortunately there are many strategies for keeping them out of the home that won’t disrupt your family,” says Perry.