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October 18, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

An Open Letter to Our Community

Dear Cherished Congregants,

We hope this letter finds you well. During these difficult and challenging times for Medinat Yisrael and the Jewish people as a whole, we remain in awe of the commitment that the community has shown to support our brothers and sisters in Israel through visits, solidarity missions, fundraising campaigns, Torah, tefillah and chizuk.

As the month of Shevat is on the horizon and the start of Shabbat is slowly beginning to turn the corner and move to a few minutes later each week, our thoughts begin to think of the spring with Tu B’Shevat and Purim, and finally culminating in the glorious holiday of Pesach.

Many in the community are blessed to have the opportunity to travel to various locations and Pesach programs both in and outside of the United States. As families are considering their options for this Pesach, we would respectfully encourage those who are planning to travel away from home to seriously consider exploring opportunities to spend Pesach this year in Israel, at various venues that will be open and available. This is an excellent opportunity to once again show our support and love for Israel and its people and give another boost to tourism and the general economy there which is suffering under the weight of the ongoing battle to subdue Hamas in the South and keep Hezbollah in check in the North.

With Torah blessings and wishes for besorot tovot,

Rabbi Ilan Acoca

Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Rabbi Jeremy Donath

Rabbi Steven Exler

Rabbi Yehuda Halpert

Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

Rabbi Chaim Marder

Rabbi Adam Mintz

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger

Rabbi Allen Schwartz

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz

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