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September 16, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Many of your readers knew Rabbi Charlop through his positions at REITS. My wife was fortunate enough to have grown up in his Shul, the Young Israel of Moshulu Parkway. She proudly introduced me to Rabbi Charlop and his Rebbetzin o.b.m. The rabbi and rebbetzin were warm and welcoming to all. They were the paradigm par excellence for rabbinical families.

When I first met them, the shul was as jam-packed as many of the shuls are in Teaneck and the Five Towns are today, b”h. The rabbi spoke in a booming voice that could be heard throughout the shul. During the strike by UFT teachers, some public school students began attending yeshivot and
explored the local synagogues. Rabbi Charlop was mekarev many of these young people who remain frum to this day. May the Charlop and Neuburger families be comforted with the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Jeffrey M. Goldman
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