September 6, 2024
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September 6, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Happy Birthday to a Very Special Man

It just came to our attention at Tomchei Shabbos that The Jewish Link printed an article about Boris Tulman in January (“Teanecker Boris Tulman Shares Story of Survival in Russia During Nazi Invasion,” January 18, 2024). We were surprised to see Boris only described as an active Tomchei volunteer; in fact, he managed the Tomchei packing center for over two decades. Throughout his time here he made it his responsibility as a volunteer to accept all deliveries, make sure all the drivers showed up, assemble all the boxes for packing and stay at the warehouse weekly late at night until the last box went out. No one ever asked him to do this; he saw a void and made it his duty.

Boris single-handedly makes sure that thousands of people are able to make Shabbos.

B”H Boris celebrated his 97th birthday last Friday. A small group got together at Tomchei to celebrate with him, and we presented him with a cake for the occasion.

Sara Zilberstein
Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County


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