September 7, 2024
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September 7, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Ma’ayanot freshman and senior classes participated in chesed trips, in which students volunteered for one of several non-profit organizations. On separate days, both classes sorted and boxed clothing donated to Yad Leah, which will be shipped to Israel. In addition, freshmen helped stock the Masbia Soup Kitchen in Brooklyn and cleaned up a Jewish cemetery for the Hebrew Free Burial Society. Several seniors also helped set up WIZO’s Great Big Challah Bake in coordination with the Shabbos Project. Other seniors volunteered at Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization Inc. (MEVO), an eco-conscious sustainability farm, where they raked and smoothed beds for winter, dug swales for irrigation, and prepared herbs and cherries for tea and jam for the winter. All food on the farm is donated to food banks and women’s shelters. These trips supplement Ma’ayanot’s Community Service Program, which requires each student to complete eight service projects throughout the academic year.


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