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October 26, 2024
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Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak Arrives in Teaneck

One of Israel’s greatest rabbis, renowned for hundreds of phenomenal miracles.

The Biale Rebbe

(Courtesy of Biale Chasidus) The Teaneck residents are getting excited. The Rebbe is coming again. Hardly a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak has visited Teaneck, yet hundreds are excitedly anticipating the return of their revered Rebbe. Although the Rebbe has been visiting not one year and not two, but annually for some years now, every year the sensation repeats itself. Every year when the Rebbe arrives at the house where he lodges, the place becomes a public source of attraction as hundreds of people of various standards and types gather. From early morning until the small hours of the night the streets resound with miraculous tales of unnatural miracles seen and experienced firsthand as a result of the Rebbe’s blessing.

Many prominent rabbis and highly significant political figures from the American and Israeli government can be recognized amongst the Rebbe’s visitors anyplace between California, Florida, New York and New Jersey.


Your Chassan Is Waiting for You; Go Buy a Watch and a Tallit

The time in Israel is 5 a.m. when the Rebbe’s gabbai Rav Friedman’s phone rings. Harav Friedman recognizes the American number and answers immediately. “Mazal Tov, mazal tov,” he hears the voice from across the Atlantic. The excited parents of the 27-year-old girl who just became engaged have called to share their news immediately with the Biale Rebbe. This is the story they relate:

We have known the Biale Rebbe for many years. Our entire family is extremely close to the Rebbe and at every family occasion the amazing miracles as a result of the Rebbe’s blessings are retold. Last year when the Rebbe visited New York I decided that the time has come for me to ask the Rebbe for a blessing for my daughter. My daughter is a talented, excelling girl who has been in shidduchim for several years but as day follows day and week passes week, she has yet to find her destined. As the years passed on, we decided to seek the Rebbe’s blessing. I arrived with my wife and daughter to the Rebbe. The Rebbe reads our names and says: “Your chassan is waiting for you. You are to go immediately and buy a gold watch and a tallit for your chassan and soon you will call me with good tidings.”

Of course, we immediately purchased the gold watch and the tallit and here we are, a mere four months later, happy and delighted.


A Community Whose Youth Are Dwindling

This happened two years ago. At that time the pandemic was raging and caused several changes to the Rebbe’s traveling agenda. The Rebbe was traveling to the north of New York and was invited to spend a Shabbat in a new developing community which he had never visited before. It was a very special Shabbat with the whole community attending. The Shabbat meals were held outdoors in the skylight and the songs were sung behind masked faces. The community members who were honored to have the Rebbe in their midst filed in one after the other to receive his holy blessing. And …. Within a short period—Mazal tov! The son of the gabbai of the shul gets engaged. Two weeks later the son of the president of the community gets engaged! Mazal tov! The gabbai’s daughter also announces her engagement, and so does the son of the Rebbe’s hosts! Less than 12 months after the Rebbe’s visit with the community, close to 10 members of the small community have found their destined match! The following year the Rebbe is officially invited to visit the community; this time the tish was held in the synagogue’s hall. People came from far and near to receive the Rebbe’s blessing, including the delighted brides and grooms as well as those who are still waiting. All wanted a blessing from the Rebbe whose blessings are fulfilled.


Moving to Teaneck? You’ll Have a Tinok!

This sounds like a play-on-words. The word Teaneck in English is similar to the word tinok in Hebrew, which means “baby.” However, in our case it was not merely a play. It actually happened. We married and began our life together. We lived in a big city progressing in our life goals, except for the fact that our prayers for children went unanswered. As time passed, we began medical treatment. Unfortunately, we could see no light at the end of the tunnel. One day, after a very disappointing consultation with a specialist, who gave us no reason for hope, I went down to pray at a synagogue that was in the area of this medical center. It was there that I saw the leaflet informing of the Biale Rebbe’s impending visit. I made an appointment and asked the Rebbe for a blessing. The Rebbe encouraged me not to give in to despair. A year passed. The Rebbe is in our area once again. We go in to him for a blessing and we tell him that we just bought an apartment in Teaneck, New Jersey. The Rebbe says: “Mazal tov! Teaneck! Tinok! You will soon have a tinok—a baby.” The doctors were just as surprised as we were, when within a year of moving to Teaneck our baby was born.


The Rebbe, Shlita

Twenty-two years ago, the Rebbe was barely in his early 30s when the yoke of leadership of Biale Chassidus Bnei Brak was thrust upon him. His greatness and guidance reached far beyond the borders of Bnei Brak as the Rebbe chose to draw his brethren from all over the world close to him by encouraging and helping them. The Rebbe is leader and mentor of a most respectable chassidus which is centrally based in Bnei Brak and has branches in Jerusalem, Beitar Eilit, Ashdod, Bet Shemesh and Modiin Eilit. This has added a new/old hue to the leadership of Biale chassidus. Every day hundreds of people from varying backgrounds—Sephardim and Ashkenazim alike, ultra-Orthodox and those who have just donned a kippah, from Cholon to Bat Yam, Beer Sheba to Eilat—all stream to one address. The Rebbe opened his door and his heart to the whole of klal Yisrael. People enter his room carrying a heavy load of troubles and worries; however, when they leave they are lighthearted and hopeful.

Biale Chassidus’ holy lineage stems from a holy sage named Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok from Peshischa. This revered tzaddik lived some 200 years ago and was known to all as the “Holy Jew”—the “Yid Hakadosh” from Peshischa. He was a disciple of the holy “Chozeh of Lublin,” who was a direct fourth-generation descendent of the holy Baal Shem Tov. This chain was continued from father to son until the flame was kindled in our generation by the holy tzaddik and Rebbe—Reb Yechiel Yehoshua from Biale, may his holy memory be blessed. He was the grandfather of our revered Rebbe, a direct descendent of five generations to the Yid Hakadosh.


The Father of Orphans

The Rebbe’s institutions are famous throughout Israel. The center is based in Bnei Brak, and there are branches all over the country. The Rebbe is father to 15 biological children and countless grandchildren. However, hundreds of children throughout the world call him “Father.” Amongst the many institutions which are under his auspices is the yeshiva gevoa called “Mishkan Shimon Biale,” which is situated in Beitar Eilit. Batei midrash and kollels for young men are spread out in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, Beitar Eilit, Modiin Eilit, Ashdod and Beit Shemesh. However, the institutions for widows and orphans are under the Rebbe’s direct administration. This fund supports the widows and orphans studying in the Rebbe’s institutions. The desolate orphans receive everything they need of the best quality and quantity. This includes clothing, shoes, scholarship, dorm service and of course pocket money.


Outstanding Development in Biale Institutions in Israel

For many years, the special institution in which the Rebbe’s “children” reside is an old building in the town of Beitar Eilit, which is close to Jerusalem. The building lies in close proximity to the borderline and faces directly the Arab town “Hussan.” The inhabitants have a daily view of a Jewish Torah town developing right in front of their eyes. The town is part of what is called the “occupied territories.” The building is old and dilapidated. In the winter the rain leaks in, in the summer it is more of a furnace. A new campus is being built on Kedushas Levi Street in the heart of Beitar Eilit. The campus will include spacious classrooms, computer and game rooms, a fully equipped dormitory and a modern kitchen, for the welfare of the students for whom the building is home.

In addition to the above, a huge chesed center is being built on Daf Hayomi Street/ The Rebbe is renowned for his acts of chesed. His is the first address that needy widows and orphans turn to. Truckloads containing everything possible are sent on every erev chag to provide the needy with everything they need for Yom Tov. Clothing, shoes, fish, meat, chicken, goodies and last but not least, a hefty check to lighten their sorrow-filled hearts. Very often the Rebbe takes part in weddings where he acts as the “father” on both sides.


The Rebbe’s Lodging

These days are happy days for the residents of Teaneck as they are anxiously preparing to meet once again with their beloved Rebbe. The Rebbe will be staying in Teaneck from Wednesday, April 3 at the house of the honorable host Allan and Miriam Pfeiffer at 400 Warwick Avenue, Teaneck.

From Friday, April 5, at the residence of the honorable host Sahba and Faranak Azar at 286 Ogden Avenue, Teaneck.

Oneg Shabbat and tish Friday night in Teaneck on April 5.

On Shabbos April 5 will be an amazing Oneg Shabbos tish which the Rebbe will hold Friday night. The great Shabbos will take place on Parshas Shemini at the residence of Sahba and Faranak Azar at 286 Ogden Avenue, Teaneck at 9.30 p.m.

The most special part of the tish is during the famous kiddush which the Rebbe performs. It is well known that the Rebbe’s kiddush is capable of bringing about great miracles. The emotive singing and dancing at the Rebbe’s tishim elevating its participants to a standard of “maeyn oilam habah!” will follow with an abundance of divrei Torah and hashkafa.

Now the residents of Teaneck have this unique opportunity. If you have not yet had the merit of meeting the Rebbe and would like to book an appointment for a personal consultation, blessing or advice, call the Rebbe’s private secretary now (English speaking): 917-272-4045 or WhatsApp 516-231-0379.

Or send an email to [email protected].

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