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October 5, 2024
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The College Dilemma for Jewish Students and Parents

As the Jewish community grapples with the relentless surge of antisemitic incidents on college campuses, parents and students are faced with crucial decisions regarding their university education.


Two Key Issues

  1. Safety and Well-Being: Ensuring a secure and welcoming environment for Jewish students.
  2. Quality of Education: Pursuing an education that fosters critical thinking, open discussion, and academic excellence.


Current State of Affairs

Since Oct. 7, the environment has become increasingly hostile for Jewish students and faculty at many colleges. Radical pro-Hamas students and professional agitators have labeled Jewish students, religious or not, as being “oppressors” and supporters of “a colonialist and genocidal” Jewish state that should be expunged.

Students are subjected to harassment, physical abuse, threats and incitement to further violence that perpetuate a toxic atmosphere of Jew-hatred that has never before been seen in the United States. And Jewish students are not being protected. And even with the resignation of several Ivy League presidents, the vitriol and slander at their institutions have not abated.

There may come a time when the rhetoric and vocal Israel bashing will abate. But historically. the genie of Jew-hatred, once unleashed, is almost never put back in its flask.

These masked students, the classmates whom you will see and share classes with every day, will still harbor the hatred for you and for Israel. And you may not know who they are and whether their genocidal hatred will spill over into violence. Furthermore you may not know which professors have a hatred for you and Israel, which may well affect your grades. And you will have to avoid some courses where you might be singled out and embarrassed.

Jewish students may also ask themselves, “Where were my ‘friends’ who hid themselves away and were silent onlookers while Jews and the Jewish state were being attacked on campus?”


Concerns Regarding Elite Universities

Many top universities have compromised academic excellence and freedom of speech. Many if not most elite universities have been hijacked by a cadre of administrators, professors and students whose animus toward anyone whose views do not conform to their unholy values is now public knowledge.

Many administrators, from presidents on down, have based their college curricula on DEI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion) ideology, a Marxist distortion of reality. Academic excellence is no longer a priority.

In many elite universities, abolishing pre-admission SAT examinations has favored demographic quotas over academic achievement. In some, the Dean’s List has been abolished so as not to “hurt” students’ feelings. Freedom of speech to express views not conforming to those of the radical left has been abolished. Faculty hiring based on scholastic achievement has been largely replaced by the prioritizing of DEI political views. Valid academic research has been frequently abandoned to teach absurd social theories that rewrite history and undermine the democratic values on which the U.S. was founded.

These factors have led to a decline in the quality of education and a restrictive academic environment. As a result many parents and students are now reevaluating where they can have a safe and enriching college experience.


Alternative Options

Fortunately, there are many excellent alternatives available. Yeshiva University and Stern College in the U.S. provide a welcoming Jewish environment and outstanding programs that prepare graduates to be accepted in top-rated graduate schools or professional placement. They have extended their acceptance timeline to include as many qualified freshmen and transfers as possible.

Other exceptional options are available in Israel. Universities such the Technion, Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan, Machon Lev, and Hebrew University offer programs in English, a safe and inviting environment, and a strong focus on academic excellence.

These universities are rated among the best in the world, and they fuel the Start Up Nation. Graduates from these universities are sought after by major companies and firms throughout the world and by top graduate programs. These institutions offer superior education at a significantly lower cost (85% less than most American universities).


A Critical Time for Jewish Students

It is essential for Jewish students and their parents to reassess their educational options and priorities for their safety, well-being and academic goals. The choice of which university to attend will have a lasting impact on their lives.

Ralph Marcus was a 50-year resident of Teaneck. He made aliyah with his wife Judy nine years ago and practices rheumatology in Jerusalem. He was president of Raishit Geula, the founding garin of the city of Efrat.

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