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October 17, 2024
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A celebratory atmosphere was in the air on Tuesday, May 14, as students came dressed in white and blue, focused on the blessing of Israel’s independence. Students began the day with an inspiring and festive Shacharit complete with celebratory musical Hallel and plenty of singing and dancing followed by a traditional daglanut presentation by fifth graders. Students then enjoyed a jammed packed day of Israel themed peulot (activities).

Lower school students enjoyed experiencing Israel with all their senses. They used their muscles in army training, planted nana (mint) with Farmer Sarah from GrowTorah, learned about the map of Israel, visited the shuk for some limonana, wrote notes for the “Kotel,” decorated and ate delicious cupcakes, packaged care packages for Israeli children, played an Israel-theme Kahoot, made sand art, danced rekudei am, learned about Israeli inventions through interactive activities and, lastly, came together to sing and dance at the Yom Ha’Atzmaut chagiga with Digital Dov!

Middle school students visited stations run by the Israeli tzevet, giving students a hands-on experience of all the amazing inventions and technology created by Israel. Students packed care packages for Israeli children which will be distributed firsthand on the MDS Mission to Israel. Students engaged in an interactive game, challenging them in their Israeli history and geography knowledge. Talmidim also engaged in meaningful Torah learning about the centrality of Israel in Torah and Halacha. Amid all the excitement students took the time to write letters to American politicians and university leaders advocating for Jews in America and Israel. Students were addressed by two Nova Festival survivors, brothers Roi and Idan Assaraf, who gave students chizuk and reiterated the importance of unity among Am Yisrael. Lastly, students and faculty joined in song and dance led by Digital Dov to celebrate Israel with simcha!

A heartfelt todah raba to Morah Lital, Morah Reut, Moreh Michael, Morah Shira, Moreh Omri, Aya, Tehila, Rabbi Zev and Ms. Kirsch and the MDS faculty for creating meaningful and fun programs for all the students.

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