September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Personalized Siddurim in JKHA MS Connect Students to Their Tefillot

As part of their tefilla classes, middle school students were excited to recently receive a siddur which is likely to change their perspective on tefilla forever. The student-created and personalized Shemoneh Esrei companion was designed to connect students to prayer as they make it their own. The companion was titled “Tefillati Shema Siddur”—the “Hear My Prayer” siddur, and its cover is adorned with an image of a hand placing a note into the kotel, all to symbolize the goal of this siddur- to make prayer personal. For every bracha of Shemoneh Esrei, students can fill in the linear translation of every word, add insights from class in the “Making it Meaningful” section, and can add personal thoughts or even draw pictures in the “Making it Personal” section. The school is confident that the siddur will be a powerful tool to help build meaningful and passionate connections between students and their daily prayers.


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