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September 19, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

MTA Honors College Discusses ‘Tom’s River’ and Public Safety

During lunch this past Thursday, Yeshiva University High School for Boys’ (MTA) Honors College met, divided by grade, and discussed a selection from “Tom’s River,” this year’s Honors College reading. “Tom’s River” is an account of the pollution of the titular New Jersey township through dumping of toxic materials, which caused a cancer cluster there. Students had previously written lists of questions based on the reading, and were divided into groups to discuss the issues and present their specific topic to all assembled. The program kicked off with a pizza lunch, which led into the heated debate and discussion over the complex moral and legal issues involved in preserving public safety. Some groups reached a consensus, while others had differences of opinion; all, however, had a thoughtful and enjoyable session.


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