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October 1, 2024
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September to Remember at Adath Israel of Hillside/Elizabeth

Community ushers in new era of energy and growth.

Rabbi Shimmy Steinmetz with his rebbe, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz.

(Courtesy of Adath Israel) It was a month to remember for the Hillside/Elizabeth community and Congregation Adath Israel. In addition to hosting an array of events in conjunction with the arrival of their new rabbi and rebbetzin, Rabbi Shimmy and Rebbetzin Eliana Steinmetz, the community welcomed over a half-dozen new families and ushered in a new era of Torah, chesed, energy, excitement, and growth.

“When we first got married, we lived in a town where it was hard to meet people,” said one newcomer. “But here in Hillside, everyone really goes out of their way to say hello, invite us for meals, invite our kids to play, and just check in to see if we need anything.”

Young families encompass a significant portion of the shul’s membership, and many of the month’s events were tailored to their children.

Rabbi Steinmetz joins AI’s middle school boys soccer night out.

“Our goal is for the kids to have a positive and fun association with shul,” said Alyssa Sheer, who together with her husband Yoni serve as youth directors. “So many parents want to know they can daven in shul while their kids are being cared for and having their own spiritual experience,” she said.

“It’s fun to see the kids and adults singing their favorite niggunim and hearing words of chizuk from the new rabbi,” said Ezer Manzon, a Hillside local for 15 years, following the first communitywide oneg with Rabbi Steinmetz one Friday night.

A Shabbat afternoon included a special ‘Welcome New Families’ edition of Hillside’s popular Perek on the Lawn series, where Chaim Pinsker, a lifelong area resident, led a spirited discussion of the week’s designated selection from Pirkei Avot on his lawn. Following the learning, residents mingled with the new families who recently joined the community.

The rabbi and rebbetzin held a Shabbat party for elementary schoolers, and the month included dedicated events for high school boys, high school girls, middle school boys and middle school girls, and a special Tot Shabbat program in the shul for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their parents.

“We feel truly grateful to be here,” said Rebbetzin Steinmetz. “Between the Union Y for our 9-month-old and the JEC’s Early Childhood program for our 5-year-old and 3-year-old, the transition into the community has been so smooth for our children. They are very happy and have already made friends from school and shul.”

AI girls’ bake night.

The arrival of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Steinmetz on September 1 heralded a new era for the storied congregation. “You can actually feel the excitement in the air. The davening, the learning, the chesed, the programming, everything feels energized. This month was the beginning of a real vibe shift for our shul,” said Steven Rosen, board chair.

For many in the community, the month’s peak was the official installation of Rabbi Steinmetz as the new rabbi. The community filled the shul for a dinner buffet and program, which included divrei bracha from Rav Elazar M. Teitz, morah d’atrah of the Elizabeth and Hillside communities and dean of the Jewish Educational Center, as well as Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz and Rabbi Mayer Twersky, Rabbi Steinmetz’s rebbeim from RIETS—where Rabbi Steinmetz received semicha and studied in the Kollel Elyon.

“He does what is right because it is right—leading by example,” said Rabbi Lebowitz. He spoke of Rabbi Steinmetz’s “capabilities, warmth, intelligence, knowledge of Torah, and yiras Shamayim.” Rabbi Lebowitz also stressed that Rabbi Steinmetz sought out and connected himself with gedolim, specifically his rebbe muvhak Rav Twersky and his rosh kollel, Rav Hershel Schachter.

“While so many of us have already been davening with, interacting with, and learning from Rabbi Steinmetz over these first few weeks, we came away from the installation event with an even greater appreciation for our new rav,” said one member.

Yoni and Alyssa Sheer host youth leader training.

One recent Motzei Shabbos featured a Men’s Club melave malka with a siyum in honor of the hostages held in Gaza. Rabbi Steinmetz spoke about the importance of Torah and our connection with Acheinu Bnei Yisrael as he enjoyed being with members of the local community. The event included an assortment of beers, cigars and barbecue, with lively singing and dancing.

The shul’s sisterhood held a Sunday evening event for women that included words of inspiration from Rebbetzin Steinmetz; it was a chance for women to swap recipes before Yom Tov, enjoy an autumnal snack spread, and relax together.

The final weekend of the year was spent in inspiring fashion as the entire community came together to prepare for Selichot and the Yamim Noraim with an a cappella Shabbat featuring the musical stylings of the Abramowitz Brothers, led by Chanina Abramowitz of The Maccabeats.

“The rabbi’s incredible remarks, the kumzitz and davening helped us all really get into the spirit of the Yamim Noraim,” said Manzon. The Abramowitz Brothers joined mispallelim for the solemn and stirring commencement of Selichot on Motzei Shabbat, formally signaling the final days before Rosh Hashanah.

The following afternoon, the community hosted a Family Fun Day at the shul’s sprawling Gan Yonina playground. There, families enjoyed each other’s company and had an overall good time with the numerous carnival games, archery tag and treats, including snow cones, cotton candy and hot dogs.

“Our shul is experiencing so much growth,” said Rosen. “With the installation of our amazing new rabbi, we have seen nonstop interest from young families trying to find a house in Hillside or rent in the local Elizabeth apartments.

“We have an amazing community and we are so conveniently located to all the places where people work and have family. We’re a short ride to New York City, Teaneck, Monsey, Lakewood, and even the Five Towns. And we’re just 10 minutes to Newark Airport,” Rosen said. “We have restaurants, great grocery options, multiple mikvaos, a large and reliable eruv, amazing day care, day camp, nursery through high school educational options, and more.

“A new chapter is being written in the Adath Israel story and we can’t wait to share what comes next.”

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