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October 10, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

To commemorate the tragedies that happened on October 7, the entire Bruriah High School and middle school came together for a powerful Tehillimathon in the morning, enabling students and faculty to complete the entire sefer Tehillim multiple times in a single period. Later in the afternoon, Bruriah High School’s seniors led a school-wide chabura. In small groups, students learned about the lives and personalities of the heroic soldiers who gave their lives defending Klal Yisrael on October 7. Students also discussed a special midah that each soldier embodied. Senior Kendall Plotsker shared, “It was powerful to get to know the chayalim on a more personal level, as individuals. To see them as humans who contributed tremendously to Klal Yisrael with their middos tovos made them more than just a name or a number. And that makes the loss so much more of a tragedy.”

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