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October 26, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

TABC Hosts Pre-Chanukah Shabbaton

The TABC pre-Chanukah shabbaton was a time of ruach, learning and bonding between students and their rebbeim. TABC is fortunate to be the local boys yeshiva, affording it the opportunity to host shabbatons and Yom Tov programming in the students’ home away from home. The shabbaton began Friday night, as the talmidim davened in TABC’s beit midrash with Rabbi Raphi Mandelstam as the chazzan for an uplifting kabbalat Shabbat. Following the seudah and divrei chizuk from Rabbi Einhorn, the talmidim choose from shiurim given by either Rabbi First, Rabbi Grossman or Rabbi Mandlestam. They then all came back together for the traditional rocking TABC tish.

Shabbat morning, the talmidim spread out among the local teen minyanim in Teaneck and Bergenfield, with a hot kiddush at Rinat. The students then were hosted for lunch by rebbeim and faculty in their homes. It was a wonderful time for the talmidim to sing, shmooze and share Torah with their teachers and their families. Many of the talmidim braved the snow to return to TABC for Mincha, learning and a seudah shlishit with heartfelt zemirot. Following Maariv, there was one last chance to sing together during Havdala with Rabbi Miretzky. May the ruach of the shabbaton permeate all of the upcoming Chanukah holiday.

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