Fuzzy-footed Power Rangers, fleecy fairies and flannel-clad princesses could be seen prancing down the halls of the Yavneh Academy early childhood wing during one of the most anticipated days of the year. That’s right, it was Chanukah Pajamakah! What better way to celebrate the first day of Chanukah than by coming to school in our comfy pjs! The yeladim enjoyed a story about “Latke, the Lucky Dog” read by Morah Shani Norman, while snuggling under a cozy blanket and sipping hot chocolate. The students then treated themselves to a delicious doughnut bar with a multitude of delectable toppings. The amazing day ended with a special performance and candle lighting ceremony by the Yavneh Junior Chorus. The smiles on the children’s faces truly captured the joy felt this entire day!