I don’t know why Israel real estate expos in our neighborhoods engender such a violent reaction from outside communities. We go to shul every day, we learn, we daven for Israel and we host other events. If the events designed to sell property in Israel are causing (by no fault of our own) such a dangerous response, then perhaps it would be best to discontinue them, or move them online.
Was daas Torah consulted about the threats to public safety, traffic problems and distraction brought about by the evildoers who enter our midst because of land sales? It is the same people who press on with these Israeli real estate expos who said it was too dangerous and even irresponsible to have public menorah lighting ceremonies! It is a shame it has to come to this, but whoever wants to buy a home or commercial space in our Homeland (our Biblical birthright, where we all belong) will find a way to do so.
For residents of Teaneck, Flatbush, and now Boro Park, the costs of such events outweigh the benefits. We are not making friends here; lives are being put at risk; and if police get involved they go after our side as well. I believe the events are meant to make a political statement; those who expend money to host them would best serve Israel by directing their money to aiding Israel itself. The burden imposed is too much for us to bear.