March 6, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Part I


Aliyah—the return of Jews to the land of Israel, is more than just a geographical relocation—it is a fulfillment of Jewish destiny, a return to the roots of our heritage and a step toward national and spiritual fulfillment. The importance of living in Eretz Yisrael has been emphasized throughout Jewish history—in biblical and Talmudic teachings, and by Jewish sages across generations. There are hundreds of reasons why making aliyah is not only significant, but essential for Jewish life. Each week, we will publish two reasons why you should consider aliyah together with a short narrative and biblical and Talmudic sources.

  1. Fulfilling a Mitzvah—Living in the Land of Israel Is a Torah Commandment


For thousands of years, the Jewish people have longed to return to their homeland. But living in Eretz Yisrael is not just a dream—it is a mitzvah. The Torah commands us to settle the land, making it a central obligation in Jewish life. Walking its streets, planting its soil and building homes are not just daily activities but acts of fulfilling Hashem’s will.

Biblical Source:

והורשתם את הארץ וישבתם בה, כי לכם נתתי את הארץ לרשת אותה

“You shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess it,”

(Bamidbar 33:53).

Talmudic Source:

כל הדר בארץ ישראל דומה כמי שיש לו אלוה, וכל הדר בחוצה לארץ דומה כמי שאין לו אלוה

“Whoever dwells in the land of Israel is as if he has a God, whereas whoever dwells outside the land is as if he has no God,” (Ketubot 110b).

  1. Being Part of Jewish Destinythe Return to Israel Is a Fulfillment of Prophecy


Throughout exile, Jews prayed daily for the return to Zion. Today, the ingathering of exiles is unfolding before our eyes. By making aliyah, we are not only returning to our homeland but actively participating in the fulfillment of ancient prophecies.

Biblical Source:

ונשא נס לגוים ואסף נדחי ישראל, ונפוצות יהודה יקבץ מארבע כנפות הארץ

“He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the dispersed of Israel; He will assemble the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth,” (Yeshayahu 11:12).

Talmudic Source:

גדול קיבוץ גלויות כיום שנבראו בו שמים וארץ

“The ingathering of the exiles is as great as the day on which heaven and earth were created,”

(Pesachim 88a).



The reasons for making aliyah are endless, each one reinforcing the unique significance of living in the land of Israel. Whether motivated by religious, historical, national or personal reasons, every Jew who moves to Israel takes part in the greatest fulfillment of Jewish destiny. May we all merit to return home and witness the complete redemption speedily in our days.

Rabbi Paul D. Bloom lives in Jerusalem and Edison, New Jersey with his wife, Ettie. He is a retired IBM executive and is currently the CEO of PDB Futurecom International. He is on the Board of Directors of NY/ Israel Chamber of Commerce, Dollar a Day of Raritan Valley and the Israel Inspiration Initiative.

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