MTA talmidim enjoyed an incredible Lag B’Omer at Camp Merockdim! Following davening and a shiur klali by Associate Principal Rabbi Schenker at yeshiva, talmidim loaded the buses and were off for a fun-filled day! From softball, basketball, hockey, soccer, flag football, ultimate frisbee and volleyball to engineering, art, karate, shiur and a musical jam session, there was something for everyone at Camp Merockdim. Rebbeim even took on their talmidim in an afternoon softball game, followed by a BBQ. “What makes this trip so special is the opportunity for students to bond with their rebbeim and teachers outside the classroom and also to spend time with boys in their grade who they don’t share classes with,” said Director of Student Activities Elie Hirt. “It’s truly an unbelievable experience to watch these relationships grow and strengthen during yeshiva-wide trips.”