September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

In the Beginning There Were Toddlers at the Iris Berman Early Childhood Center

The theme last week at IBECC in the toddler room was “creation” in its many forms. Creation of the world, creation of a classroom, of friends who share and play together and creation of works of art and sculpture. The teachers talked about Hashem, how much he loves everyone and how he is everywhere. To make this concept more concrete, the children pointed to something they’ve talked about before, like the trees in the playground. The children spontaneously hugged the trees to thank Hashem. The teachers also talked about how Hashem made light and dark. The children played the “laila tov” and “boker tov” game, turning the lights on and off with the children pretending to be asleep and then jumping awake. Flashlight “moons” and stars” appeared in a darkened corridor.

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