A Yad Leah clothing drive will take place on Sunday, June 23, from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Ohav Emeth. Please donate clothing and shoes in good wearable condition only. Linens, towels, tablecloths, handbags, cosmetics and hair accessories are also accepted in good condition. Men’s and boy’s black hats in good condition may also be donated. Children’s and teen’s clothing are especially needed. Bring all donations in tied garbage bags.
Yad Leah will distribute to over 15 communities throughout Israel. An $18 donation is requested per donor (checks made out to American Friends of Yad Leah) to help defray the shipping and processing costs. There is a donor for the trucking cost for this drive, but Yad Leah is looking for additional sponsors to cover more of the shipping costs to Israel. Receipts will be provided by Yad Leah for the money and items contributed.
They are also looking for volunteers at the collection site to help with the bags and the paperwork. If anyone has any questions or would like to volunteer or sponsor shipping costs, please contact David Moskovic at 732-580-1052 or [email protected].