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October 18, 2024
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TABC Leadership Kollel Kicks off New Year

The TABC Leadership Kollel kicked off the new year on Friday, September 13, with its inaugural machshava chabura for returning members. Over breakfast, Rabbi Asher Yablok welcomed everyone to the new year and addressed the students, first outlining what lies ahead and then giving an inspiring drasha, focusing on a fundamental conflict inherent in avodat Hashem.

Considering the Rambam’s comments about the centrality of free will (Hilchot Teshuva ch. 5), one recognizes the need for the potential for sin in order to experience free will. At the same time, we ask every day that we not be tested by the daily challenges that we often experience. “This balance is one that will be critical for you as emerging leaders as you recognize the beauty and the potential that comes with each of life’s challenges,” Rabbi Yablok explained.

This concept ties into the blasts of the shofar we anticipate on Rosh Hashanah. We are yodei teruah because we understand that the groans of the shofar lament the potential for sin, while, at the same time, announce the “tov meod” of the opportunity to meet Hashem’s expectations and make Him proud.

The TABC Leadership Kollel provides motivated bnei Torah with the opportunity to be part of a specialized limudei kodesh program and empowers them to become active leaders and masters of talmud Torah in the local Jewish community and beyond. The Kollel will continue to meet on a biweekly basis for machshava chaburot and will have additional opportunities to connect with community role models inside and outside the building.

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