TABC takes pride in the fact that Pink Day has its roots in their yeshiva! On Wednesday, students and faculty had the privilege of hearing from Tzvi Solomon ‘09, who started the entire effort with TABC’s very own Donna Hoenig! What began as one day at the Teaneck yeshiva has grown into an international day of supporting those living with breast cancer! After hearing from Solomon, the boys enjoyed breakfast (with pink donuts, of course!) and then attended one of four concurrent shiurim. They chose from Rabbi Adler’s shiur entitled “Speaking About God to Children After the Death of a Relative“, Rabbi Kessel’s shiur “The Secret of Relationships“, Rabbi Einhorn’s shiur on “Gam Zu L’Tova—Accepting All of Hashem’s Decrees” and Mr. Strassman’s shiur called “Day by Glorious (Pink) Day.” The energy in the gym when they gathered for the group photo was one of great excitement at being able to do so much good in one day! TABC is incredibly proud to report that close to $7,000 was raised by their students in honor of Pink Day! TABC boys wear pink!