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October 10, 2024
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Yeshivat Noam Observes Yom Hazikaron

Yeshivat Noam commemorated Yom Hazikaron with several guest speakers who shared their passion and experiences in Israel.

Arie Katz spoke to the middle school students to kick off the commemoration and celebration of Israel. Arie immigrated to Israel from the U.S. when he was a child and grew up on Chashmonaim. He currently lives with his wife and two children in Modiin. He served as a paratrooper on the front lines in the second Lebanon war and recently survived a terror attack while serving in miluim.

Sophie Dubitsky from the Class of 2012, shared her pride for Israel, her decision to make aliyah and about her experience serving in Tzahal. Sophie who just completed her service served as a commander and instructor of explosives for Tzahal. Sophie spoke throughout the day to groups of students via Zoom and hosted many question and answer periods.

Yeshivat Noam grandparent, Stephen Flatow spoke with our eighth graders about the life and loss of his daughter, Alisa Flatow, z”l who was killed by terrorists in a bus bombing in 1995. Flatow spoke beautifully about how Alisa inspired their family towards religious observance, about the memories of the bombing and about the importance of Israel. Flatow, who publishes op-eds regularly in the newspaper on behalf of Israel, emphasized the power of activism and the ability for each student to be an advocate for Israel.

All three of these phenomenal guest speakers engaged students and faculty with their stories, passion and experiences.

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