Corona, Corona
When can we “roama?”
Sitting inside all these weeks,
We have no color in our cheeks!
Dreaming of summer at the pool,
But it’s not the only way to keep cool.
Each day we are counting the Omer,
And we’d like to see our baseball stars
hitting a homer!
Everyone has been so creative,
Doing things that are innovative!
Finding interests that are new
To use time wisely as we get through.
Exploring new topics to be learned,
While there’s less money to be earned!
Corona, Corona
We’ll celebrate our Torah!
On Shavuos can we daven in the sun?
Although we’re apart we’re together everyone!
Remembering the blessings of those we
we have lost,
We miss our dear ones, they bore the cost.
Corona, Corona like no other year:
We must have emunah and lessen our fear.
By Susie Mendelsohn