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World Mizrachi Seeks to Restore Funding For Gap-Year Students

(Courtesy of World Mizrachi) World Mizrachi is leading an unprecedented coalition of 50 Israeli yeshivot and seminaries spanning the Torah spectrum to restore gap-year funding for international yeshiva and seminary students in Israel that was withdrawn owing to the severe COVID-19 crisis.

Each year, over 3,000 post-high school young adults pursue advanced Jewish studies at Torah institutions in Israel that are part of this coalition. The emergency campaign aims to ensure that every American, British and Canadian gap-year student from affiliated institutions can participate in the coming academic year.

The coalition includes these yeshivot and seminaries: Amudim, Ashreinu, Ateres Bnos Yerushalayim, Baer Miriam—Maayanot, Bais Yaakov Machon Raaya, Bais Yaakov Seminar, Binas, Bnot Torah-Sharfman’s, BY Yahalom Seminary, Chedvas Bais Yaakov, Darkaynu, Derech, Derech Etz Chaim, Jewessence, Keser Chaya, Kitov Seminary, Machon Bnos Yehudah, Machon Greenberg, Machon Ma’ayan, Me Ohr Bais Yaakov, Meorot Yerushalayim, Michlalah. Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim, Midreshet Amit, Midreshet Emunah v’Omanut, Midreshet Eshel, Midreshet HaRova, Midreshet Lindenbaum, Midreshet Moriah, Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya, Midreshet Torat Chessed, Pninim, Rinas Bais Yaakov, Sha’alvim for Women, Shapell’s/Darché Noam, Tiferet Center, Tomer Devorah Seminary, Yeshivas Ohr Yerushalayim, Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi, Yeshivat Hakotel, Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh, Yeshivat Lev Aharon, Yeshivat Lev HaTorah, Yeshivat Mevaseret, Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah, Yeshivat Ohr David, Yeshivat Orayta, Yeshivat Sha’alvim, Yeshivat Torat Shraga and Yishrei Lev.

“Yeshivot and seminaries are the engine of Torat Eretz Yisrael and the educational ecosystem they nurture across the Jewish world,” said World Mizrachi Chief Executive Rabbi Doron Perez.

“Few experiences transform Jewish lives more than a gap year in Israel. We are not allowing the corona crisis to weaken our incredible Torah institutions or deny even one student from this life-changing year. This is the essence of Mizrachi’s mission.”

To reverse a shortfall in scholarship subsidies, the World Mizrachi coalition is launching an emergency crowdfunding campaign on Monday, July 27, 6 Av, ahead of Tisha B’Av. Masa Israel Journey together with the Jewish Agency for Israel and the government of Israel will provide matching funds of 3:1 for a significant amount of the emergency campaign subsidies target.

Mizrachi also plans to launch a gap-year division to support and advocate for Torah institutions across Israel, as well as the students and global Jewish communities they serve.

Powered by CauseMatch, the 48-hour “If I Forget You, Jerusalem” emergency campaign will reach out to communities around the world. It is a call to action for Jews who are passionate about Torah learning in Israel to come together, especially at this time when we mourn the historic consequences of divisiveness and disunity.

“אם אשכחך ירושלים is a direct response to the loss of revenue that these Torah institutions must overcome,» said Joseph Bornstein, CEO of CauseMatch. «This is a public demonstration that the global Jewish community stands behind the yeshivot and seminaries that have educated—and will continue to educate—countless bnei and bnot Torah.”

For campaign information, visit

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