Starting with the Class of 2025, Ma’ayanot is proud to extend its student-centered learning by offering six concentrations of study from which to choose, in addition to the core curriculum. These academic concentrations will offer the incoming freshmen class the opportunity to customize, focus and enrich their learning in a specific area of interest. A rich array of courses in each concentration, means that students, over three years, will have the opportunity to dive deeply into select disciplines, pursue their passions, build their skills and develop a sophisticated appreciation of these disciplines.
The six concentration areas are Matmidot, which will be an opportunity for intensive Judaic Studies learning beyond the core curriculum; Communications, which will be an opportunity for students to find and their voices using the written and spoken word; Performing Arts; Fine Arts; Spanish; and Health Sciences, geared toward students interested in pursuing intensive and rigorous study of science related to healthcare fields that will complement and build on the core science curriculum.