September 7, 2024
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September 7, 2024
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Ma’ayanot Students Initiate Torah Learning Beyond the Classroom

The technology is new; the content is eternal. Ma’ayanot students are inspired by Torah and are inspiring others as well. During Sefirah, Ma’ayanot seniors began a successful program in which each night a different senior shares a shiur with fellow students. Co-founder Aliza Cohn explained, “I know that Sefirah is a time to work on midot and bein adam le-chavero actions. I wanted my friends to have the opportunity to prepare and give shiurim because I know how amazing each girl in my grade is and how much they all have to offer.” Presenter Esti Fields added, “It was a humbling experience that made me realize that I am capable of putting sources together into a presentable shiur. Each girl who gave a shiur inspired others with her words of Torah, and left each person with a takeaway.” Co-founder Raizel Littwin summed up her appreciation: “Being able to take everything that I have learnt from all my limudei kodesh classes and teachers over the past four years and put it to use to make a shiur made me appreciate all that Ma’ayanot has taught me.”

In another harbatzat Torah initiative, Ma’ayanot junior Hannah Munk has been offering brief divrei Torah on her “Aliyah-A-Day” WhatsApp to nearly 60 participants for over a year. As Hannah explains, “I love how making recordings forces me to look deeper into the parsha. I always find something new and I hope that everyone listening learns something new as well.” Another group of students has created a “Yediot Klaliot” WhatsApp to share general Jewish knowledge and pride to 75 participants daily in a fun and artistic format. Rabbi Zev Prince, assistant principal for Co-Curricular Life, offers “a tremendous yasher koach to our students who have taken the initiative to create new opportunities for learning in Ma’ayanot!”

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