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October 5, 2024
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Riverdale Shul Vandal Arrested After Second Shabbat Attack

Early Saturday morning, May 1, there was an additional act of vandalism at the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale’s (CSAIR) outdoor tent, which was set up for Shabbat services. The siddurim and chumashim were upended and desecrated. A shed on the grounds was broken into and a bicycle was stolen. A car window near the parking lot was also damaged with a rock. Soon after this incident, 29-year-old Jordan Burnette, a Riverdale resident, was taken into custody by NYPD officers on patrol in the neighborhood. Burnette is believed to have been the same individual who earlier in the week vandalized the Riverdale Jewish Center, Young Israel of Riverdale and Chabad of Riverdale. It was also learned that three vehicles in the immediate vicinity of the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services also had smashed windows.

CSAIR President Cliff Nerwin reached out after Shabbos, expressing, “I am very grateful for the efforts and support of our law enforcement officers and officials who have worked tirelessly this past week.” He added, “This morning, after the revelation of these events, we did what we do best. We met for Shabbat-morning davening in the social hall/sanctuary, outdoors for a regular service and our Young Children and Family Program (YCFP) group gathered as well. I am looking forward to more mornings when we can gather, daven and be together, and pray for a time when we do not have to worry about our safety, hate and antisemitism.”

Riverdale Jewish Center’s Rabbi Dovid Zirkind said, “Riverdale CSS was informed of the arrest early on Shabbat morning and shared the information with community leaders at the respective shuls at that time.” Zirkind continued, “We are grateful to the NYPD for their commitment to our case and their tireless effort these last 10 days. While it is unsettling to see police cars stationed outside our Jewish communal institutions, we are gratified by the support of our community and the solidarity we shared with friends and neighbors throughout this episode. The Riverdale community showed tremendous unity this week and we hope it will carry forward into the future.”

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz tweeted, “I am deeply grateful that NYPD has arrested the suspect wanted for the horrible attacks on synagogues in our community. Thank you @NYPD50Pct & @NYPDHateCrimes for marshaling the necessary resources to ensure that this individual was captured and can be brought to justice.”

Overruling the Bronx District Attorney’s request for no bail, due to the state’s new bail reform laws, a Bronx Criminal Court Judge ordered the suspect held on $20,000 bail, after charging him with 42 counts. Some of these charges include hate crimes.

However, by May 3, the Bronx District Attorney announced Burnette had been “released on supervised release,” without having posted bail, and is due back in court on May 7.

Speaking to JNS, Evan Bernstein, CEO and national director of Community Security Service, said that Jewish organizations and individuals are having a hard time reconciling the idea that Burnette was released without bail after attacking places of worship.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean and director of global social action for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, also expressed his concern to JNS about the attacker’s early release.

“New York must not allow hate-mongers to attack houses of worship with impunity,” he said. “Twenty years ago, we witnessed similar scenarios occur in France, where judges refused to hold those who vandalized synagogues accountable. That soon escalated to fire-bombings violence and even murder.”

Cooper added that the NYPD “did its job and arrested the perpetrator of multiple hate crimes, only to see him released by a judge. Criminals, including anti-Semites, will act with increasing impunity putting all in danger unless the laws treat every hate crime seriously.”

By Judy Berger


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