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October 19, 2024
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All Parsha: The Ultimate Parsha Platform

The brand-new All Parsha app, from the creators of the immensely popular All Daf, is now available for free download and is poised to take the Jewish world by storm.

(Courtesy of All Parsha) In the short time since the revolutionary All Daf app was introduced, the unique Daf Yomi platform has already gained a vast following and has become a household name as a foremost destination for Gemara learners worldwide. Now the creators of the All Daf phenomenon have developed a new Torah platform, All Parsha, which melds premier content on parshas hashavua with cutting-edge technology to create an unprecedented parsha learning experience for Jews across the globe.

The goal of All Parsha is simple: to curate and create the highest-caliber shiurim and divrei Torah on the parsha, delivered by the most prestigious lecturers and maggidei shiur, and to streamline them into a free, interactive app that offers an unmatched user experience.

“All Parsha is a single destination for top-tier content on the parsha,” Rabbi Moshe Schwed, who heads the All Daf and All Parsha initiatives for the OU, shares. “Similar to All Daf, it will feature high-quality content in the most user-friendly format, giving users a one-of-a-kind experience when they use it. All Parsha will allow anyone seeking to connect with the parsha to do so in a way that is both enjoyable and meaningful.”

While the All Daf app focused on providing content for Daf Yomi learners, All Parsha’s wide range of content is suitable for users in every demographic of the Jewish communities. Men and women, adults and children, laymen and advanced talmidei chachamim—everyone will be able to quickly find content on the parsha that will appeal to them.

The free app, and the accompanying website, features content from a wide variety of popular speakers and maggidei shiur, spanning the gamut of communities across the world. In addition to the carefully curated content, a number of shiurim and clips will be created specifically for the All Parsha platform.

The new content created specially for the All Parsha platform will include parsha material from a number of sought-after speakers. Some may appreciate Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein’s weekly shiur on Midrash or Rabbi Yissocher Frand’s weekly shiur on the parsha, while others may be drawn to Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky’s 15-minute weekly shiur in which he outlines fundamental concepts found in the Rishonim. Some will find their niche in Rabbi Yehoshuah Hartman’s shiur on the Maharal, Rabbi Zecharia Reznik’s daily shiur in which he reviews the daily aliya with key pirushei Rashi, or Rabbi Yaakov Trump’s daily shiur in which he gives a concise outline of each aliya. Other prominent contributors include Torah personalities of the OU, including Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Moshe Elefant and Rabbi Menachem Genack.

Perhaps the most attractive aspect of the All Parsha app is the top-of-the-line innovative technology that is incorporated into its design, which allows users to see content categorized in a number of different ways to suit everyone’s needs.

One unique format through which users can utilize All Parsha is through its aliya yomi section, in which one will be able to find all the content that pertains to the aliya of the day. This allows users to learn the parsha through the course of the week in an orderly, paced manner.

Alternatively, users will be able to browse a meforshim section, in which they will be able to find content classified according to the sefer it covers. This section will include shiurim dedicated to Midrash, Ramban, the Baal Haturim, Seforno, Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, the Maharal, seforim from the Lubliner dynasty, and many more of the Torah volumes that give insight to the weekly parsha.

Another section of the app is devoted to general shiurim on the parsha. This section will contain weekly parsha shiurim from prominent lecturers and maggidei shiur, including Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rabbi Asher Weiss and Rabbi Eli Mansour. All Parsha will also feature noted women speakers Mrs. Michal Horowitz, Rebbetzin Shira Smiles, Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman and others.

Yet another highlight of All Parsha is the special Shabbos Table section, which will contain short clips and other content, available each Thursday and Friday. These clips, delivered by Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rabbi Nissan Kaplan, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Moshe Elefant, Rabbi Steven Weil and many others, will focus on presenting beautiful, relatable divrei Torah and printable content to enhance any Shabbos seudah for both children and adults.

“The content is extremely diverse, yet it is all excellent,” Rabbi Schwed points out. “Everyone will be able to ‘find their flavor’—content they enjoy and appreciate.”

Much of the content on All Parsha consists of short clips, less than 15 minutes long, and can easily be listened to on the go, making All Parsha an excellent travel companion for every commute. This is in addition to the many long-form shiurim, which are perfect for someone seeking to delve into the parsha in a more substantial manner.

The aforementioned clips and shiurim make up the inaugural library of All Parsha. Additional content is in the pipeline, and will be added over time.

Besides the audio and video libraries, All Parsha also features a Parsha Pages section, where a wide array of PDFs on the parsha are available to be downloaded and printed.

“What sets All Parsha apart from some of the other resources available is that All Parsha is very focused and accessible,” Rabbi Schwed explains. “Users won’t get lost in a sea of Torah shiurim, trying to find something enjoyable to listen to on the segment of the parsha they are up to. Instead, All Parsha users can open to the parsha they seek, and can easily navigate a lineup of the most prominent shiurim on it. It’s a whole different user experience.”

The All Parsha app is also replete with the latest technological advancements, molded after the customizable interface of the widely acclaimed All Daf app. All Parsha allows users to bookmark shiurim, create custom playlists, subscribe to content, search effectively, and even import podcasts to the app’s feed.

Another feature of the All Parsha app that has intrigued many is the Shnayim Mikra dashboard. Users can do Shnayim Mikra directly on the app, and it contains a built-in tracker as well, through which users can remember where they are up to in their weekly parsha learning.

“Everything was created with the end user in mind,” Rabbi Schwed shares. “With that goal, similarly to what was done with All Daf, we were really able to make All Parsha into an impressive platform that people will enjoy using.”

When All Daf was released a year-and-a-half ago, nobody envisioned that it would get more than 40,000 downloads and have over 10,000 daily users, but there was a need for an innovative Daf Yomi platform, and All Daf proved to be the platform that could fill the need. Today, as All Parsha first enters the Jewish market, the potential for this trailblazing parsha platform is truly limitless.

“It’s a platform that can really change the way the Jewish community connects with digital parsha content,” Rabbi Schwed concludes. “It gives users the ability not only to connect to the parsha, but to live the parsha.”

All Parsha is available as a free download on, or directly from the Apple or Android app stores.

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