September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Dovid Pearlman Kicks Off the Summer in Hillside With a Magical Shabbat

The communities of Hillside and Elizabeth joined together this past Shabbat, Parshat Chukat, to welcome singing sensation Dovid Pearlman for a ruach-filled Shabbos in the outdoor tent. The neighborhood was buzzing with anticipation as we all prepared for an uplifting Shabbos—and boy did Dovid deliver! The Shabbat theme was “Tov L’hodot L’HaShem,” expressing our infinite gratitude to Hashem for (a) enabling us to, B”H, emerge from the restrictions of the challenging COVID-19 pandemic, and to once again enjoy social gatherings, (b) the current peace that the state of Israel is enjoying—may it forever continue and (c) to congradulate and recognize the many children and young adults as they celebrate their respective academic achievements.

Dovid’s sweet voice engaged the crowd with a Carlebach-style Kabbalat Shabbat. It didn’t take long until we arose from our chairs, forgetting the challenges of the prior week, and danced around the bima embracing Shabbat. We returned two hours later to enjoy a highly charged and spirited Friday night oneg, filled with a tangible spirit of achdut, felicity and genuine friendship as the Hillside tent filled with young and old: Ashkenazim, Sefardim, Chabad—even a shtreimel was spotted in the crowd—amidst a robust group of more than 25 teenagers, all joining together in energetic song. It was truly electrifying!

Various shuls and anonymous donors joined together to make this event possible. As one long-time resident commented, “This renewed energy, creativity, and purpose is ushering in a new chapter for Hillside. To see the active participation and excitement from our kids and teenagers is really special.” Dovid capped off the night on a powerful chord when he sang “Hamalach,” which was written and produced by his late uncle, Zavel Pearlman, zt”l. Shabbat morning davening was beautiful and was capped off with a gala Kiddush. Shabbat came to a close with a ruach-filled shalosh seudot, and Dovid’s mesmerizing Havdalah.

For more information about the Hillside/Elizabeth area, please contact Chaim Cillo at 917-817-9146.

Dovid’s recent release of “Shira Shebalev’’ follows his prior CD, “Miracles.” You can reach Dovid at [email protected] or by WhatsApp at 201-625-2369. Dovid performs at chuppahs, weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, l’chaims and concerts.

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