September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Get Ready to Connect the Dots With The Chesed 24/7 Nine Days Shabbos Box Project

(Courtesy of Chesed 24/7) The Northern New Jersey community is ready to connect by drawing a line between a patient in the hospital and those who want to help. Shabbos in a Box brings Shabbos into the hospital, transforming a bare, colorless room into a homey, Shabbosdik haven decorated by those who connected the dots through the Shabbos box program.

Participants may not know the patient’s name or where she’s from, but they do know that every single Shabbos in a Box makes a tremendous difference.

Packed with the items patients and their families would otherwise miss most, the Shabbos in a Box program makes all the difference.

Filled by those able to think out of the box, inside the box are Shabbos candles, grape juice, a kiddush cup—things that make Shabbos feel like Shabbos. Things that make a difference, connecting the dots from the givers to the recipients and creating a link of warmth, love, caring, and connection of Kol Yisroel areiveim zeh lezeh. Also included is a tablecloth, besomim, flowers, candy and handwritten notes of chizuk. As for the food—that can be found in the Chesed Rooms.

To understand the tremendous difference the Shabbos in a Box has made, Chesed 24/7 shares stories like the one about the visitor who walked into a patient’s room and saw a wreath of flowers surrounding the board where the nurses write the daily stats. When the patient was asked where the flowers were from, she said that each flower came from her weekly Shabbos Boxes. She kept each one and used it as a decoration to brighten up her room so she wouldn’t feel so alone.

Another story was shared about a patient who spent seven months in the hospital before he, unfortunately, was niftar. When people went to be menachem avel, they saw a binder filled with refuah sheleima cards from the Shabbos boxes. The patient had kept every card he received and cherished each one. The Shabbos in a Box is much more than just a box.

How can our community help? Homes are still being sought to host a Shabbos in a Box packing party from July 11-17 in order to mark the Nine Days with Ahavas Yisroel, tzedaka and chesed. Each party then needs guests to sponsor the boxes as well as assemble and fill them to be sent to the hospital, bringing the light of Shabbos into the hospital.

Hostesses can sponsor parties for their block, in their summer home, or outdoors. Virtual hostesses can invite friends to visit their personal campaign page via email, WhatsApp or text. All hostesses will be entered into a raffle to win prizes, and every box sponsored earns a raffle entry as well.

In addition to the raffle, there is a Connect the Dots contest where participants can create anything they want out of dots and submit their entries by July 17 to [email protected]. The first-prize winner will receive a $250 gift card. The second prize is a $100 Toys 4 U gift card.

To find out if there’s a party in your summer location, contact Call or WhatsApp (845) 806-2823 or email [email protected].

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to connect.

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