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October 12, 2024
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What Is a Yeshiva? A Look at a Unique Post High School Beis Medrash/College Program: Yeshivas Yeshurun

Rav Hutner once said that every yeshiva has its own, unique avir (environment). When you walk inside you can immediately sense the avir of that yeshiva. What’s the avir in Yeshivas Yeshurun? Anyone who has been to Yeshivas Yeshurun can attest that the yeshiva is filled with an avir of positivity and growth. The avir also consists of simcha and menschlichkeit. That’s what you sense immediately upon coming inside. The yeshiva, housed in the beautiful new BJX building, is permeated with that same spirit of love and respect.

What is unique about Yeshivas Yeshurun’s beis medrash program?

A yeshiva is a place where your son should flourish.

He will at Yeshivas Yeshurun.

A yeshiva is a place that your son should view as his second home.

He will at Yeshivas Yeshurun.

A yeshiva is a place where your son will gain an appreciation for the undiluted truth.

He will at Yeshivas Yeshurun.

He will discover what his purpose and mission is in this world. Yeshivas Yeshurun is also a place of incredible warmth, understanding and patience.

A yeshiva is a place where you know your questions will be taken seriously.

A yeshiva is a place where you can grow at your own pace with rebbeim who become lifelong mentors. A yeshiva is a place where talmidim learn to love Torah and grow in their ruchniyus. At Yeshivas Yeshurun not only will all of the above be a part of your son’s yeshiva experience but as he grows in Torah he will also build a career.

Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Yeshurun, has a wealth of experience teaching talmidim. He has given shiurim for the past 20 years and is the acclaimed author of the widely circulated hashkafa sefarim: “Search Judaism: Judaism’s Answers to a Changing World” and “Strengthen Your Emmunah: Developing a Meaningful Relationship with Hashem.” He not only makes the Gemara digestible and geshmak but also injects mussar, Halacha, hashkafah and Torah values into all the limudim. “Every talmid becomes very well-rounded,” said Mr. Zelig Fried.

“Their beis medrash provides very devoted rabbeim. They nurtured my son’s potential to the fullest. He loves his learning,” said Mr. Yair Bruck. “I see that the rebbeim are passionate about the limudim they teach. They bring this enthusiasm into their shiurim,” shared Mr. Marcus Lehmann. “It really makes a difference,” he said.

“I was surprised by the turnaround I experienced. Every talmid had an aliyah in their learning. It was fantastic to be in a yeshiva surrounded by people shteiging and growing in all facets of their lives,” said Doniel Lelevman

Yeshivas Yeshurun provides beautiful and spirited shabbatons that leave the talmidim with lifelong memories they will cherish forever. The secular subjects required for the Bachelor of Science degree are provided at Yeshivas Yeshurun and under the auspices of the yeshiva. “What I really like about the yeshiva is that the boys receive both their ruchniyus and gashmiyus all under one roof,” said Marcus Lehmann. Yeshivas Yeshurun is in the Midwood section of Brooklyn, New York. Dormitory is available. To set up an interview email [email protected].

By Yehuda Kahn


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