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October 18, 2024
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WTA First Graders Prepare For Mesibat Siddur

Since the beginning of the year, first graders at WTA have focused on learning about a different tefillah each week. Through experiential learning, videos, experiments, stories and art they have truly delved into the tefillot we say daily. For example, when discussing Mah Tovu, they learned the story of Bilam and the beracha he gave to the Jewish people upon seeing their camp. They imagined what Bilam would have seen as he looked out at the camp, and each student drew a picture of what they thought the camp might have looked like.

When discussing tzitzit, the class added up the letters of the word (600) ציצית, and then added five knots and eight strings to equal 613, just like the number of mitzvot in the Torah. Later in the year, each student will have a chance to tie their own tzitzit knots to attach to a bookmark for their siddur.

After learning about the tefillot, the students were ready to receive their siddurim last Friday. In preparation for the mesiba, the class discussed what they would like to thank Hashem for, and what they would like to daven for. The presentation included song, dance and a special visit from our forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov who are the originators of Shacharit, Mincha and Maariv. Another theme in the presentation was berachot. The students have become experts at determining which bracha they need to say at snack each day. They now eagerly anticipate having a siddur of their very own, which will bring them even closer to the tefillot, and further encourage them to embrace tefillah as a daily practice.

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