In lieu of the usual grade shabbatons this year, Bruriah instituted “Friday-tons,” where each grade is given full pre- and post Shabbat programming on Erev Shabbat and Motzei Shabbat. The last month of Friday-tons culminated with the amazing freshman last week. The freshmen had the most incredible time! On Friday, the students began in school with a beautiful pre-Shabbat oneg where they heard from Assistant Principal Dr. Strulowitz about what Shabbat means to her and how to make it meaningful, followed by a delicious cinnamon bun bake. After Shabbat, the girls headed to Rabbi Chayim Gerson’s house in Springfield for an incredible melave malka, complete with delicious food and fun entertainment by Digital Dov where they competed in various “Minute to Win It” challenges. A great time was had by all!