This past Friday, Ben Porat Yosef’s eighth grade class had a special program to celebrate their outstanding high school admissions. Scheduled from the beginning of the year, this special day was designed to allow the students, as well as the entire BPY staff, to recognize and acknowledge all of the eighth graders’ hard work and achievements, both individual and collective. The day started with a spirited minyan followed by a special celebratory breakfast to energize the students for the day ahead. The first stop of the morning was Sunshine Pottery. There, the students painted beautiful pieces that were delivered to elderly individuals as part of BPY’s partnership with Better Together. After having a spontaneous display of ruach dancing before boarding the bus, the eighth graders enjoyed a delicious lunch at EJ’s Pizza in Teaneck. Once everyone was finished, the boys led a beautiful mezuman, and the students headed back to BPY for a fun sports program. This was definitely a day the students will never forget! The Ben Porat Yosef administration and faculty are so proud of their eighth grade class and all that they have accomplished.