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October 18, 2024
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Mazal Tov to Beth Aaron and My Fellow Dinner Honorees This Sunday!

I also want to use the remaining space to wish a heartfelt mazal tov to my fellow honorees at this Sunday’s upcoming Cong. Beth Aaron 50th Anniversary dinner. I am being honored by my shul as one of the co-leaders of our shul’s longstanding Youth Minyan, together with Rabbi Stephen Knapp and Steven Pudell. If you would have asked me 15 years ago if I thought I would be involved in leading a shul youth minyan, I probably would have laughed at you but such is the way that life works and how things change when you become a parent of younger children with more boys than girls.

Volunteering at my shul’s Youth Minyan is a major part of my weekly Shabbos experience, as well as for my sons, Zev, Noam and Eyal. It’s been a true pride and pleasure to see multiple ‘generations’ of the shul’s middle school and high school youth, including my own, pass through the minyan and serve as gabbaim, baalei kriyah, chazzanim, etc. I have also relished the chance to interact with, teach a bit of Torah to, and get to know the shul’s up-and-coming next generation.

I originally got involved in the youth minyan because I was looking for a place for me and my special needs, autistic oldest son Zev to daven together in an accepting type of environment. Back then, I was concerned about Zev’s ability to sit still and be quiet enough, etc and I figured the Youth Minyan would be the perfect place for my son and I to daven together. My fears never materialized as my shul-loving eldest son loves being in shul and loves davening, but after a year or so of davening together with him in the minyan, I was approached to co-lead it with my two co-honorees. It was a match made in shamayim as we work well together, and are always happy to substitute or fill in as needed whenever anyone is away.

Mazal tov to the other Beth Aaron honorees, Abe & Feige Leidner, and Kayla-Rachel Michal Singer and I am looking forward to greeting you all this Sunday evening.

Last but not least, it’s not too late to donate, just go to 

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